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Most of the research in the Bronikowski is collaborative. Here are some of these projects with links to collaborators. 



Eagle Lake Garter Snakes

The Eagle Lake Garter Snake research project.  Begun in 1974 by Anne's PhD advisor, Stevan J. Arnold. The populations of garter snakes in the Eagle Lake basin of California have been studied for behavioral ecology, the evolution of behavior and morphology, and the evolution of life histories. Current projects include the adaptation of fast versus slow life histories in these populations using evolutionary genomic and physiological techniques. Current collaborators include Dr. Kaitlyn Holden and Dr. Jessica Judson 


Nanovaccine Institute, Iowa State U.

I have ongoing collaborations related to vaccine development for older adults.

-Marian Kohut (PI) NIH/NIAID R01AI154458 "Combination nanovaccine-based immunization against influenza virus in the aged: immunity and protection" (role Co-Investigator). My role on this project is to test the effects of various adjuvants and vaccine formulations on mitochondrial health in the development of efficacious vaccine for the aged community. 

-Marian Kohut (PI) NIH/NIAID R21AI229330 "Adjuvant effect of physical exercise on immune response to COVID-19 vaccination and interactions with stress." (role Co-Investigator). My work role on this project is to undertake pathway analyses from multi-omics data to test for the mechanisms of exercise-induced vaccine response.



Family Transitions Project, Iowa State U.

I am collaborating with Tricia Neppl  (HDFS, Iowa State University) on aging-related research within the Family Transitions Project (Neppl, PI) to understand the interactions among psychosocial stress, stress physiology, and cognition across generations.



NSF BIOLOGY INTEGRATION INSTITUTE ON SEX-SPECIFIC AGING, GENOMICS, AND EVOLUTION -- Our NSF BII is centered on understanding the macroevolutionary patterns of sex-specific aging. The Bronikowski lab will lead studies of reptiles - including squamates, turtles, and birds- with variation in sex chromosomes, sex determination, and sex-specific lifespans. Current collaborators for Bronikowski IISAGE projects are Dr. Tony Gamble, Dr. Fred Janzen, Dr. Beth Reinke, and Dr. Elizabeth Addis.

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